We have been so busy the last week, that I haven't been able to post. I haven't even really thought about what to post.
Tim's growing like crazy, he must have shot up another 4 inches over night. And he's picked up two new skills. Yeah, that boy got skills. He started waving bye-bye, and it's gotten to the point that he waves every time he leaves the room. Pretty cute if you ask me. He also figured out how to clap, so instead of dancing to music, he claps to the music. He's getting pretty good at turning off the television, as well as climbing off the couch.
Tim isn't much of a talker though, and hasn't really picked up any new words. He says kitty, and everything with a tail is a kitty. He has really started understanding what we are saying now. If we ask him to get his ball, he will pick it up, and bring it over. If you tell him to eat his food, he'll start eating.