OK, so this is my first ever RTT. I'm new at this, so hopefully it goes well.
My last day of work was on Sunday, it was a looooong weekend which made me even more happy that I will no longer be working. Time for me to dedicate myself to my children only. And myself, and my dearest husband.
LOST is almost done, and I'm a little heartbroken. I will miss watching LOST, and then waiting nine months to watch it again. I will miss Jack(who I crushed on back in his Party Of Five days), and Sawyer...but I will not miss Kate.
And since this is a blog about my kids, I should probably mention some randomness about them. Tim has swimming today, and I am not looking forward to it, last week he threw a fit in the change room. Slightly embarrassing(my face was probably a shade of red). Hoping this week goes better. Noah is a "princess" in his own right. Everything has to be a fight, putting his bib on, taking his bib off, going outside, coming inside. Everything.....Everything.
Thanks for reading my first ever Random Tuesday Thoughts.